Autostadt (car city) is like Volkswagen Disneyland... or at least what German's think Auto Disney should be. 

After 8 long weeks of waiting (and last minute schdule changes which the German's definitely don't like) we drove our rental car to Wolfsburg early Friday morning to pick up DB 1702 (does anyone know the significance?).

 We stayed at the very posh Ritz Carlton (reported to be one of the nicest hotels in Germany).  The hotel turned out to be the saving grace of the whole trip. 

 Language confusion (again) caused us to miss the much anticpated VW factory tour.  So we have free return tickets for the next time we are in Wolfsburg (yeah right). 

The cars are stored in a 14 story glass tower surrounded by water, and when it's time, delivered by robot to the customer, reportedly never being touched be human hands.  After all this build up we were really expecting something big, and got...a couple free cans of Red Bull.

 Anyway the mini vacation included the best souvenir, VW Passat Sportline with 125 KW (188 horsepower for you non metrics) turbo diesel with 6 speed manual transmission, super expensive (1800€) Navigation system and sport leather interior.  It is black, black and black.  My favorite color.

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